Ziyarat Mecca Madina

Mecca Madina Package Live

Ziyarat is a pilgrimage to the holy cities of Mecca and Madinah in Saudi Arabia to pay respects, pray, and learn about the Prophet Muhammad and Islam: Mecca The holiest city in Islam, located in a narrow valley in the Hejaz region of western Saudi Arabia. Madinah The second holiest city in Islam, and the burial site of the Prophet Muhammad. Mina A valley east of Mecca where pilgrims stay during the Hajj pilgrimage. Mina is known as the "tent city" because of the temporary air-conditioned tents that are set up for pilgrims. The Stoning of the Shaitan ritual takes place in Mina on the last day of the Hajj. Muzdalifah A flat plain between Mina and Arafat where pilgrims spend the night after performing prayers and rituals. Pilgrims gather pebbles at Muzdalifah to use in Mina for the Stoning of the Shaitan.